產品名稱 |
NK-92MI [NK92MI] |
商品貨號 |
MZ-0285 |
中文名稱 |
人惡性非霍奇金淋巴瘤患者的自然殺傷細胞 |
細胞數量 |
1*10^6 |
組織來源 |
NK細胞;淋巴瘤;男性 |
細胞種屬 |
Homo sapiens, human |
細胞污染 |
HIV-1、 HBV、HCV、支原體、細菌、酵母和真菌檢測陰性。 |
生長特性 |
suspension, multicell aggregates |
培養基 |
MEMα+0.2mM Inositol+0.1mM β-mercaptoethanol+0.02mM Folic Acid+12.5% HS+12.5% FBS+1% P/S |
形態特征 |
lymphoblast |
傳代方法 |
1:2-1:3 |
培養條件 |
Atmosphere: Air, 95%; CO2, 5%。Temperature: 37℃ |
細胞描述 |
NK-92 and this derivative cell line NK-92MI have the following characteristics: surface marker positive for CD2, CD7, CD11a, CD28, CD45, CD54 and CD56 bright; surface marker negative for CD1, CD3, CD4, CD5, CD8, CD10, CD14, CD16, CD19, CD20, CD23, CD34 and HLA-DR. The parental IL-2 dependent cell line is available as NK-92. NK- 92MI was shown to contain, express, and synthesize the hIL-2. A culture submitted to the ATCC in September of 1998 was found to be contaminated with mycoplasma. Progeny were cured by a 21-day treatment with BM Cycline. The cells were assayed for mycoplasma, by the Hoechst stain, PCR and the standard culture test, after a six-week period following treatment. All tests were negative. ATCC confirmed this cell line is positive for the presence of Epstein-Barr viral DNA sequences via PCR. |
細胞傳代步驟 |
如果細胞密度達80%-90%,即可進行傳代培養。1. 棄去培養上清,用不含鈣、鎂離子的PBS潤洗細胞1-2次。2. 加2ml消化液(0.25%Trypsin-0.53mM EDTA)于培養瓶中,置于37℃培養箱中消化1-2分鐘,然后在顯微鏡下觀察細胞消化情況,若細胞大部分變圓并脫落,迅速拿回操作臺,輕敲幾下培養瓶后加少量培養基終止消化。3. 按6-8ml/瓶補加培養基,輕輕打勻后吸出,在1000RPM條件下離心4分鐘,棄去上清液,補加1-2mL培養液后吹勻。4. 將細胞懸液按1:2到1:5的比例分到新的含8ml培養基的新皿中或者瓶中 |
復蘇細胞步驟 |
將含有1mL細胞懸液的凍存管在37℃水浴中迅速搖晃解凍,加入4mL培養基混合均勻。在1000RPM條件下離心4分鐘,棄去上清液,補加1-2mL培養基后吹勻。然后將所有細胞懸液加入培養瓶中培養過夜(或將細胞懸液加入10cm皿中,加入約8ml培養基,培養過夜)。第二天換液并檢查細胞密度。 |
細胞凍存步驟 |
:待細胞生長狀態良好時,可進行細胞凍存。下面T25瓶為例;1.細胞凍存時,棄去培養基后,PBS清洗瓶底1-2次后加入1ml胰酶,細胞變圓脫落后,加入2ml完全培養基終止消化,可使用血球計數板計數。2.1000RPM離心5分鐘去掉上清。用血清重懸浮,加DMSO至最終濃度為10%。加入DMSO后迅速混勻,按每1ml的數量分配到凍存管中,注意凍存管做好標識。本公司按每個凍存管細胞數目大于1X106個細胞凍存。3.將凍存管置于程序降溫盒中,放入-80度冰箱,至少2個小時以后轉入液氮灌儲存。記錄凍存管位置以便下次拿取。 |
細胞凍存 |
Freeze medium: 50% basal medium+40% FBS+10%.DMSOStorage temperature: liquid nitrogen vapor phase |
細胞運輸 |
干冰運輸(2ml凍存管)或活細胞運輸(T25細胞瓶) |